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Climbing, sparring, running; anything that gets the adrenaline going. He loves the rush. 

Silent company. Not much of a talkative person, he tends to do better simply existing in another person's immediate space.

Soup- chestnut soup is a favourite.

Animals, particularly lizards.

Mechanical art. 

Warm drinks.

Hiking and exploring. 

Being a general public menace.

Card games.



 Affection, compliments- he doesn’t really know how to handle them. Sour food. Harsh smells. Loud noises. Secretive people. Liars, sneaks.

Jumpscares- he will react violently on impulse and likely will not be sorry about it. 

The concept of the unknown or the supernatural - it can be surprisingly easy to freak him out when talking about that realm of things. 

Vast, open spaces. 

Small talk.



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Additional Facts:

He bites. Literally. He will have no issue biting someone. 

Extremely precious about his belongings and will become increasingly distressed is displaced or lost. Gifts given to him are never disposed of, meaning he has quite the assortment of useless junk. 

He is an awful driver. Terrible. He will drive like there's no tomorrow and has run people over before. Sorry Matthias.




Personality Overview

Honest, Intuitive, Observant, loyal

Wary, emotional, blunt

 Snarky, ill-tempered, aggressive, impulsive

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A firecracker would have difficulty competing with the volatility of Darien Flynn, the man ever emotionally turbulent with a tendency for explosive aggression. He speaks his mind and acts on his thoughts, threats rarely empty. He is snippy and quick-witted, prone to teasing others for kicks. Being sharp-tongued, it’s no surprise he is incessantly blunt and painfully direct. Darien, for better or worse, is a very honest person, practically incapable of lying convincingly. This is because he generally sees no point in ever needing to lie. And, because his brother has always been a little too capable of catching him out when he tries.


With awful impulse control, he tends to act recklessly and with little regard for consequences, forethought rarely involved. Given this, he acts with absolute certainty and confidence, never one to pull punches- figuratively and literally. Very rarely does Darien reconsider, and if he thinks he’s right he tends to be very committed to it. Though, not immune to recognising his wrongs, he’s actually very sensitive to accidentally hurting others emotionally or physically, reacting with strong withdrawal to these situations. 


Darien acts intuitively, trusting his gut for most situations. Given this, he tends to lack actual logical reasoning for a lot of things, including people he dislikes, trusting enough when something simply feels wrong. He makes it very apparent when he dislikes someone, deliberately acting much more prickly and mean towards them, hoping to drive them away. Despite outwardly seeming to hold little fear of people, he’s actually very wary around others out of self preservation, quick to discern who to him is a potential threat, and he has no qualms making this obvious. 


Despite the snappy demeanour, Darien has an undeniable soft spot for the more tender-hearted people, the soft spoken and gentle types, mellowing quite easily in their presence. That being said, if he’s particularly gentle around you, it’s because he thinks you’re a soft touch. 

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