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  • Born on Mars as the oldest of five 

  • A regular upbringing, father worked on mars tech while his mother was stationed away on Earth for long periods of time. 

  • Had his father’s affinity for mechanical work, often helped him.

  • Mother passed away on Earth, Father prioritised work, Benji became a partial caretaker to his siblings at a young age

  • As he got older focused on studying mechanics more seriously, especially robotics. 

  • Became close friends with the child of another mechanic, Sanya. Grew up as best friends. 

  • Started out like his father, creating designs and blueprints of Robots before he progressed onto prototyping and building. 

  • During this time met his (now ex) partner Marnie, and later became engaged. 

  • Eventually accepted a position working on Earth as a mechanics lead.

  • Called out on a retrieval and repair mission during his time on Earth for a broken down guard. Accompanied by Sanya.

  • While repairing the bot, Sanya discovered a child hiding out 

  • Benji, unable to see how the child couldn’t be human, argued with Sanya until the situation escalated, the difference of opinions becoming lethal and resulting in a fight that ended in the death of Sanya. 

  • Benji stuck with the Darien

  • Very averse to Benji, the child didn’t really speak much at first and kept his distance but despite becoming physically aggressive if Benji came too close, the kid still seemed to follow him around. 

  • Despite rough beginnings, the child grew more accustomed to Benji’s presence

  • The pair travelled for some time, stopping between different settlements and working in conjunction with different nomadic groups in order to get around. Benji didn’t stick around long anywhere

  • Passing through another city they were attacked by a small group that had taken up refuge there called ISON

  • Managed to deescalate the situation, ended up staying with the group for some time, becoming particularly close to two others, Nina and Matija

  • Travelled with the group for some time, scouting more permanent settlements all the while. 

  • Realising he had grown too settled and noticing the increase in robot activity in the disappearances of members, Benji decided to move on.

  • Matija agreed to travel with him to Salus

  • Matija dies during this trip and Benji is injured, they’re left stranded 

  • Benji succumbs to his injuries 

  • Is found by scouts, brought to Salus and recovers 





[Man, I hope this thing is recording. I think… well anyway, uh. 


My name is Benji C. Flynn. I’m starting this audio journal, well, because there isn’t much else to do out here. This place is pretty dead. Well… except for the kid. He’s sleeping right now.


Yeah, so that’s why I can’t return home, if I die out here and anybody finds this.. I don’t really have any plans from here. This outhouse does the job for now, but I don’t think we can stay long. They’re more active at night. Fuck.


Beginning to wonder if I fucked this one up.]


Benji was born with a story pre-planned. 


Naturally reserved and mild mannered, a blessing to his parents. 


A child that would soon become the pride of his father, Marek, showing a keen interest in robotics from a young age. Marek carried himself with great esteem, an eccentric man often lost in his work and pursuit for knowledge. The mechanic considered himself fortunate to work for the betterment of Mars, spending long hours on creating designs and blueprints for a robot class that would develop to notoriety, the ‘Guards of Phanes’. Hardly a new development, but one coming on with leaps and bounds, their progression taking top priority amongst the league of mechanics.


Kiyo had been an equally driven woman, working in transmissions and radio between the biomes on R-001 and L-004. She had a zest for life, a yearning to see the world around her grow and develop. Driven and outgoing, she spoke vocally of her goals for the future, seeing only good in the world around her. It was no surprise she saw the stars in her first born’s eyes, driven by her enthusiasm to see him walk the footprints they’d left for him. 


The first born was raised on tenderness, a mother that wanted to push his ambition to greatness and a father that cared immensely for the boy's safety, sheltering him from the world. By the time Benji was twelve, their family had grown to seven, Benji the oldest of five. Though, Benji was the only one old enough to understand what it really meant, when their mother said she had to leave. What the words R-001 meant for her, their family. The tender hand that would brush tears from his eyes and promise she’d come back soon. 


 Two years into her work, Kiyo vanished. 

And Benji was the only one old enough to understand the weight and burden that came with death.



Benji became familiar with looking after his siblings, standing in where the shell of his father could not. Growing increasingly distant, Marek shut himself off from the children as often as possible, obsessing over his work.

In a bid to be helpful and spend time with his father, when not caring for his siblings, the boy could be found at his father’s side in the workshop, passing tools and equipment, watching him plan and bury himself in work to distract.


Spending more time around Marek, Benji slowly became more and more involved with his work. Seeing his son flourish gave the man new life after the loss of his wife, a positive to focus on, and Marek returned the child’s interest only with a crippling pressure to succeed. The demand to keep up with his father in addition to caring for his siblings strained Benji greatly, an outgoing child becoming isolated.


    By the age of 15 Benji was already beginning to aid his father in building prototypes. Always one for academics, Marek put the boy through special schooling to sharpen the skills, mentoring Benji himself when he could. Benji was regarded as oddly quiet, preferring to be left to his work over interacting with others. Still throughout the years he grew inseparable to a pair, Sanya and Marnie, despite the relationships originally out of custom by virtue of the pair’s parents working with Marek. Sanya, an energetic and boisterous soul. Marnie, gentle and receptive. Both equally able to get through to a boy otherwise regarded as withdrawn.


By seventeen Benji was becoming much more involved in the work of his father, creating blueprints of his own. Held in high regard by Marek, he soon began work under the Antares Committee’s major mechanical unit. 


 Sanya had kept pace, earning a place of his own in the mechanics field besides his friend, specialising in weaponry. Free time between the boys was often spent drawing up designs and exchanging skills. Rarely was their attention dedicated to other hobbies or interests, both showing an immense passion for their field, to the point of friendly competitiveness. 


Marnie was much less that way inclined, a firm but nurturing person, they would focus their skills towards medicine. It was admirable to Benji, considering his tendency to get injured whilst in the workshop. In return for an eye roll worthy amount of medical visits, Benji worked with Sanya to create Marnie’s prosthetic eye. 


With time, Marnie and Benji found their friendship had run deeper, through fingers intertwined and laughter shared. A love that was new, tender, nurtured by two doting hearts. Three years passed, and come twenty-one, Marnie and Benji were engaged.



[-and man, they had this shine that’d put Canopus to shame. But, it gets harder each day to remember their face. It’s a little fuzzy now. When the day comes I forget their voice, I think I’ll mourn the loss all over again. I just hope they’re done grieving the death of me. ]


By twenty-two, Benji would leave Mars and never return. 


An opportunity he couldn’t pass up- a way to help support his family, new and old. A way to follow in his mother’s footsteps and deep down win his father’s favour, in a way that felt genuine. 


Marek had since begun to move past his grief, able to commit to the remainder of his children at last with a gentleness that had not been afforded to Benji throughout his childhood. The eldest couldn’t help feel he’d missed out on something owed to him, having always fought to earn any sort of nurturing off the man. The kindling of dejection spurred the rash decision forward, encouraged by Sanya, the friend more than enthusiastic to travel to a whole new planet. 


Six months of normality would preface the day Benji and Sanya were called in for a high priority mission. A retrieval mission, track a Guard that had broken down and get it operational again. It should have been an easy task, nothing outside of the regular routine by this point, only this time, they would be outside the safe confines of the Biome. 


The earth beyond the Biomes was strange. Dead, but not nearly as much as he’d thought. Dry and barren, yet the unmistakable feeling of being watched. Sanya dismissed his worries, presuming roaming bots were around, no concern at all to them.


A building in ruin was where the bot had fallen. Navigating debris they were able to locate it, figuring it had taken a fall through the collapsed ceiling. An accidental shutdown, they’d been told. So then why was it riddled with bullet holes? Sanya was much quicker to dismiss this concern than Benji, who just couldn’t shake his feeling of unease. 


The worry was deepened as the bot was repaired, coolant and grease coating the two. A crash from the room over would force them both to shoot to their feet, hesitant to investigate. Sanya was first to cave to curiosity, leaving to locate the source. 


The scream for his friend had Benji dart through, halting as scared eyes fell on the scene before him. Sanya grappled with what looked like a child, boy violently thrashing in the man’s grip. The click of a knife unfolding. 



I don’t know why I’m making an entry about this. It’s kind of… I don’t really wanna talk about it. The nightmares have been real bad lately. I do know the kid n’ me probably wouldn’t be alive otherwise… I guess that doesn’t change much. Maybe if i’d had a second longer to think or something- I probably shouldn’t think of it that way. I wish he woulda listened. Realised he was wrong, Mars was wrong. Man, I’m getting sidetracked-]


And the ordeal ended in Benji’s skin streaked red, the man sitting away from his lifeless friend. The boy had vanished as soon as the scuffle started, leaving Benji alone.


Sitting beside the body, Benji stayed in that shell of a building until it was flooded orange with the dying light, a warning to leave . They’d send people looking soon enough. He didn’t want to be here when they came. Gathering what he could, he said a farewell to his friend.


The crunch of the dry Earth below his boots felt all the more heavy as he set foot outside into the cooling evening air. 


The shift of something from the corner of his eye caught his attention, eyes darting to a figure peeking from behind debris. The boy from earlier. A long, silent glance was exchanged, intense stares.


“… come with, if you want.” 


The child followed at a distance to begin with, observing like an uncanny shadow, refusing to respond to any attempt at conversation. Benji didn’t seem to mind; it was the physical aggression every time he tried to get close that proved most difficult.


The first few weeks were the hardest. Benji ended up usually talking to himself, making audio journals to pass the time wandering. They never stayed in one place for long, taking any shelter they could for a short while before moving on. Not much life was encountered in this time, Benji beginning to feel this child tailing him had been a one off. Asking the boy where he’d come from gave no answers, as far as Benji knew he couldn't talk.


A task he’d put off for much too long loomed over him, and by the end of the first month Benji finally cut out the identification chip embedded below his collarbone. 


The wound was still fresh when they were attacked. 


The stay in that first settlement known as Europa was longer than anticipated, time spent there pleasant and somewhat pivotal for the ex-martian, being the first time he’d been around others since defecting. They seemed to be safe here. Happy. The kid finally started speaking to him; his name was Darien. He really liked to torment the local lizard population. As all good things would come to pass, Benji too was becoming more aware of the settlement's struggles, and decided it was time to move on, preferring not to overstay the welcome. 


Dropped on an since gone city’s outskirts, they sought out shelter and supplies. Instead they found ISON. 


ISON, a nomadic rebel group, small in its size but with significant notoriety as a thorn in Mars’ side. They operated mostly in the desolate remains of cities, working to destroy Guards of Thanes and cull their activity where they frequented most. Their forces would aid settlements and smaller groups in exchange for supplies and resources, of which they used to keep themselves relocating. 


Matija and Nina, father and daughter, the appointed leaders of ISON. Benji enjoyed the presence of both, Matija a wise man with years of stories to tell. Nina was free-spirited, competitive. Lively and fun. In a way, she reminded him of Sanya. 


ISON would soon become ‘home’, Benji exchanging his knowledge of the guards in return for the companionship of the group. Several months were spent with ISON, integrating as a full fledged member. Though not much one for fighting, he took on the position as mechanic, refining the electro-weaponry used by the nomadic group to counter the guards. 


Months went by, and members began to get picked off. Teams stopped returning, transmissions were lost. ISON was burning out. It was around this time Benji began to consider departing, fearing for the safety and well-being of Darien. It was the talks of finding a settlement to do a recruitment endeavour at, that first planted thoughts of Salus into Benji’s mind. The talk of leaving seemed to upset Nina the most, fearing for their already dwindling numbers, and the loss of a friend. 


    Matija was the more receptive party, the compassion of a father that had seen children grow up in these harsh environments. He agreed to guide them, promising to regroup with ISON in the coming weeks. 


The journey wouldn’t be an easy one, he warned, open to the elements, at the mercy of the desert. With the confidence of having survived the desert once before, they would say a bittersweet farewell to ISON. 


Days bled together, much seemed the same out in the desert. The occasional wreckage or leaning rock would provide shelter, but otherwise they were left with only the resources they carried to see them through. Still, they were making swift progress, travelling at the cooler times of the day, and spending the nights chatting around dying fires. 


The dawn broke on the horizon, silence of early morning hours broken by screams and the whirring of gears. In the cold morning light, Benji’s eyes fell on metallic teeth in flesh, a steely blue glow streaking the dullness. He couldn’t act, before the guard set its sights on him. There was barely time to grab Matija’s electro-gun before feeling the cool metal snap closed around his leg, a warmth searing through him as the robotic animal continued to bite and thrash, dragging him across the dirt. 


It was over with a gunshot. He’d been able to down the guard, but not without sustaining injury of his own, bites to his leg and torso. He patched himself up to some extent with a kit he found in the bag they’d brought, but it wasn’t nearly enough to keep him going for long. Still… he’d been luckier than Matija. It was too late for him.


Their progress was considerably slower those next few days, Benji pressing on irrespective of his wounds. But, out in the middle of the desert was a dangerous place to be with extensive injuries, and the man was slowly coming more and more certain of his own fate as the days passed. No sign of salvation, rations running low and an injury that desperately needed tending to, Benji was beginning to reckon with his failure. It was a miserable death to die. And Darien… the last thing Benji remembered was the boy’s yells as his legs finally buckled. 




The voice this time is muffled, coarse.


[-For the last few days I was afraid to sleep, ‘cus I didn’t know if I would wake up. I think by the time I went down I’d accepted dying. It didn't seem too scary anymore.  I'm surprised we ended up here. Darien's alright too. Doing better than me, actually, haha. Yeah... I think- I think we're gonna be okay.] 



Benji had hardly expected them to stay in Salus for long, anticipating that much like their stops before this they would soon move on given enough time. It has since been 17 years since the brothers arrived at the sanctuary, and they have no intention of moving on, firmly calling Salus their home. 

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