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Robots - especially silly little ones with no purpose other than being cool. His audio journal. He has too many audio logs for that thing. 

Sunrises, the cool air of an early morning. Oddly shaped rocks. Birdsong. Cats. The smell of chamomile tea. Benji enjoys small pleasantries thoroughly and is appreciative of the smallest experiences.

Astronomy and astrophysics. Stargazing. 


Lying and being lied to- he will call you on it. Politely.

Unnecessary force and violence, irrational arguing. Leaving things on a bad note. Issues unresolved. People smoking around him. Overly sweet food. Being called Benjamin. 

Additional Facts:

Should wear glasses but doesn’t. 

Has kept an audio journal for over 15 years. There is an excessive amount of entries. 

Weirdly immune to jump scares - Seems to take a lot to even slightly faze the man, he does not scare easily.

Will infodump about his passions for hours quite happily. 

Personality Overview

Attentive, Rational, Trustworthy, Patient 

Talkative, Laid-back, Fatalistic, Trusting 

 Workaholic, Overbearing

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Benji is most easily likened to a gentle stream, flowing and soothing. A man that seems content in life, he holds an air of wistful serenity, a knowing smile and empathetic eyes. He enjoys simple pleasures, watching the sun rise and set, a passing good morning and a warm drink. 


Little seems to ever faze the man, most things seeming to bounce right off his endless wall of patience. Rarely does he get mad, and rarely will he yell. He’s overly polite, but still surprisingly firm, hinting that he knows how and when to put his foot down. Little seems to be taken to heart by Benji, even the most jarring of remarks and quips met with passiveness and a smile. 


Notably levelheaded, Benji is always prepared to hear others out and lend a hand when needed. He thinks things through carefully and in full, every action calculated and rationalised. One passionate for conversation, it’s not uncommon for him to talk for hours on end about areas of interest, wandering off on plenty of little tangents. Always the adaptable kind, he seems able to speak with just about anybody, and will happily strike up conversation on a whim. 


A gentle soul, Benji can seem quite the soft touch at times, generally quite fearful of upsetting anybody. The man always seems to be upbeat and cheery, openly optimistic and always seeking the best. His preference for peace may be perceived as weakness, but anybody that knows Benji knows him to be a man more than capable of standing his ground. He knows when it is best to be firm, not to be mistaken for a pushover. 


 It is clear he holds himself to high standards, even to the point of his own detriment. He commits to tasks relentlessly, honing in on work until it has been seen through to completion, often at the sacrifice of his own health. This extends to the impossible optimism. Benji tends to keep up this front as to keep others motivated and happy, sometimes looking by his own feelings in favour of others. Often he is exhausted, usually found sleeping at his desk. 

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