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Traits & Buffs

The Parallax dice system is based on the Traits, Buffs and Health Points systems as outlined below. Please read carefully and select the traits that suit your character best.


In its trial phase, as we go on, these traits and buffs may be adjusted to balance things out better. See something that doesn’t sit right? Please let us know!


Traits Bonus

The Parallax dice system is based on 1d20 plus a traits bonus when checking the successfulness of carrying out an action. Every character has an option of choosing up to six total (6) Traits, these may come out of a combination of Neutral, Primary and Secondary Class traits. 


Secondary class traits (if your character has a secondary class) can never hold the majority over Primary traits. For example…


3 x Neutral trait

2 x Primary Class trait

1 x Secondary Class trait

1 x Neutral trait

3 x Primary Class trait

2 x Secondary Class trait

Bonuses can stack to a total of +10, unless a trait that increases the cap bonus is used.

In event, unless specified otherwise, traits can only be used during rolling rounds.

cLASS Bonus


✧ Each class has a BONUS BUFFS that automatically apply to the PRIMARY CLASS of your character! Below are the listed bonuses:

    ✦ Medics: +2 to Healing rolls

    ✦ Mechanics: +2 to Defense rolls

    ✦ Scouts: +2 to Attack rolls

    ✦ Intelligence: +2 to Perception rolls


Traits are separated into 5 categories that inform what a trait can be used for. ATTACK, DEFENCE, SUPPORT, ACTION and STATUS. 


ATTACK: This is a trait to be used when making an attack. These traits are applicable to combat scenarios.

DEFENCE: This is a trait used when defending against an attack or user recovery/self boosting modifiers.

SUPPORT: These are traits that can be used on other characters.

ACTION: These are traits that can be used outside of combat. Evading rolls fall into this category.

STATUS: These traits are only active in certain circumstances, or are automatically applied to your character. 


Some traits may belong to more than one category, and there may be exceptions for certain uses of traits outside of these categories. 



This refers to traits that affect multiple players, for example Anti Virus.
[STACKS] This refers to traits that can be used more than once by a player to achieve to stack to a limit.
 This refers to a trait that can only be used once per event/rp


Got some more trait ideas than what’s listed below? GREAT! Tell us and we might be able to add them!

Neutral Traits

  1.  [ACTION] Taunt: +3 chance of taunting a opponent, if successful opponents rolls will be -2 per action roll for the next 5 rounds.
    If unsuccessful, the opponent will become enraged, and have +2 to rolls for 3 rounds after.


  2. [STATUS] High constitution: Gain an additional 5HP for a base total of 35HP. Cannot be paired with Impressive Constitution

  3. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] First Aid: Stops progression of shock, suffocation and bleeding out to HP. [SINGLE USE]

  4. [ACTION] Silver Tongue: +3 advantage to deceive or convince others

  5. [SUPPORT] Team Leader: +2 to all in the group except the leader with this trait (only one Team Leader per team).

  6.  [STATUS] Lone Wolf: +2 to rolls when alone

  7.  [ACTION] Swift: +3 when running, chasing or evading

  8.  [ACTION] Sneaky: +2 to rolls when attempting to go unseen.

  9. [ATTACK]  [ACTION] Big Muscle: +3 to rolls when using strength

  10. [ACTION] Big Brain: +2 to all INT rolls.

  11.  [ACTION] Stiff Upper Lip: +2 resistant to deception

  12. [STATUS]Lucky Clover: Roll 1d4 and add the following result to next dice roll

    • 1 = -3

    • 2 = -1 

    • 3 = +2

    • 4 = +4

    • NOTE: Usable only 4 times per event

  13. [ACTION] [STATUS] Coward: +3 to rolls evading damage when hiding behind others. The person in front takes an additional -2 damage.

  14.  [STATUS] Snow Bunny: +3  to all rolls in the cold, ice or snow

  15.  [STATUS]Petrichor: +3  to all rolls in the rain or wet climates

  16. [STATUS]Weevil: +3 to all rolls underground or inside

  17. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Crackshot: +2 when throwing objects or using firearms. 

  18. [SUPPORT] Taking the Bullet: If a nearby character were to take damage, this character can take the hit instead, however, with 3 less damage than it was supposed to cause. Can be used until 10 HP reached. 

  19. [ATTACK] Electrified: Roll a 1d20 to stun the target. 
    If a character succeeds in the attack roll, the opponent is stunned for one round.
    One recovery round must be permitted between successful shocks.

  20. [ATTACK][DEFENCE] Hunting Instinct: A post round is skipped to focus on an opponent, as a result a +5 bonus can be added in the next post round. It must always skip a round between attempts.

  21. [STATUS] [SUPPORT] BLOODHOUND: Upon a teammate being injured by an enemy, the user’s senses are sharpened. Grants a +2 to all following perception rolls. 

  22. [ATTACK][DEFENCE] Mirror Effect: When defending, all damage received is reflected back onto the attacker for 1 round. [SINGLE USE]

  23. [SUPPORT][DEFENCE] Made with Love: A user can take a roll round to give +1 to all rolls of themselves or a chosen target by providing them with food. Applies to one person only, target can be changed between rounds.
    [STACKS +5] 

  24. [ATTACK] Food Fight: Gain a +2 to rolls when using a food item to fight. Food item includes food or related equipment (ie utensils).

  25. [SUPPORT] No Pressure: Characters threatened by this player with words or a look of judgement are granted +1 to all rolls. [STACKS +3]

  26.  [ACTION] Datamine: An android will gain a +2 when interacting with enemy systems, physically or digitally. If a critical failure occurs, this will result in the CORRUPTED status.

  27.  [STATUS] DICE FLIPPER: For the next three turns, whenever you roll, take the opposite number according to a scale of 20. i.e. if you roll a 3, treat it as an 17. If you roll a 15, take it as a 5. a 10 remains a 10. A 20 turns into a 0.

  28.  [STATUS] ROLL FOR TASTE: Once per event you can roll 1d100 to eat, lick, or bite something. 100-90 = +5, 89-61 = +3, 60-41 = nothing, 40-11 = -3, 10-1 = -5. The effect lasts for 3 turns.

  29. [ATTACK] BERSERKER: Adds a +5 to ATK and SPD for the next 3 rounds if you've failed 2 rolls in a row or a Nat 1 for defense in battle. Results in RAGE.

  30.  [ATTACK] BEAST MODE: A +4 to ATK when Biting or Scratching in battle. May result in RAGE if used more than twice. Roll a 1d2, 1 results in RAGE.

  31. [ATTACK] RED HOT: Roll 1d20 to burn/melt a target. If successful, the target will be afflicted with the burn status. Limited to 3 uses per event.

  32. [DEFENCE] FOUR EYES: Gain a +2 to all perception rolls.

  33.  [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Stockpile: The user has the ability to use a max +15 bonus rather than the limit of +10. Once they have hit half their HP, this is reduced to a +5 limit.

  34. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Investor: The user is able to store points from previous successful rolls and set them aside. A total of 10 bonus points can be kept in the reserve. Medics instead will be able to bank up to 10HP from their rolls to use as an additional bonus to alternative healing rolls.

  35.  [SUPPORT] Nick of Time: This character gains a +2 to saving rolls.

Medic Traits

  1. [SUPPORT] Saving Grace: +3 when aiding a critically injured teammate (5HP or under). Results in fatigue and -3 in the next roll. 

  2. [ATTACK] Betraying the Oath: +5 when attacking with medical equipment; causes bleed, poison, suffocation or burn to victim depending on the type of attack. Results in Shock on the medic. 

  3. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Pharmacist: Medications issued by this medic can grant a +3 to healing rolls OR automatically remove status effects. Limited to three uses per event and boosts medkits to recover +3. 

  4. [DEFENCE] Rub dirt in it: Medics with injuries or statuses (i.e. bleed, shock, fear, suffocation) can half any negative impacts on themselves for three rounds.

  5.  [DEFENCE] Know where it hurts: Reduce HP loss by points to the user when taking injuries Medics can deflect the greatest impact to less ‘dangerous’ areas of the body.​

  6.  [SUPPORT] Surgeon: When treating a patient a medic may roll a flat 1d20 instead of the flat 1d10 to add the points rolled to the target's HP. Allows for up to 20HP to be restored to the target.

  7. [SUPPORT] Oh Negative: Medics can transfer 5 HP of health from themselves or from someone else to their patient via blood transfusion. Donors can only donate three times before resulting in fatigue.

  8. [DEFENCE] Immune: Medics with this trait may roll a d3 against an infection, virus or bacteria to have one of the following effects on themselves.
    1 = Not immune, suffers the same effect as everyone else
    2 = Partial immunity, medics will suffer 50% of the effects (half of HP hits)
    3 = Completely immune, the medic will suffer none of the effects of everyone else


  9. [SUPPORT] Placebo effect: When this medic is in a mission team, all HP losses are reduced by 2 to all other Classes that aren’t medics (primary or secondary). [GROUP STACK +4] 

  10. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Team Med: +2 to all medical actions when with another medic (Primary or secondary), this also applies to the other medic. Cannot chain. 

  11. [STATUS] Field Medic: +1 to rolls when outside Salus

  12. [STATUS] ER Doc: +1 to rolls when inside Salus

  13.  [DEFENCE] Red Cross: When activated this medic is immune to damage for two consecutive rounds. [SINGLE USE]

  14. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Psychologist: Roll 1d20 to remove ‘Fear’ from yourself on a turn if you roll 10 or above. If a 15 has been rolled, remove an additional ‘fear’ from another selected ally.

  15. [SUPPORT] Clear Your Mind: When this individual is on a team they have the ability to encourage their teammates. Give a +2 to all rolls for each teammate for ONLY ONE round.  [SINGLE USE]

  16. [ATTACK] [SUPPORT] HARMacist: This medic can carry out an attack roll and a healing role at the same time. +1 to attack roll AND +1 to healing roll. This trait is usable three times. 

  17. [SUPPORT][STATUS] Herbal "Remedy": Any weapon looked over by this Medic prior to or during battle gains the ability to afflict the poison status. Costs one post round.

  18. [SUPPORT] [ATTACK] Tranq-uility: This trait allows this medic’s weapon of choice to now be used as a sedative instead of deadly means. This trait can only be used three times in an event.

    Roll a 1d20 in order to see how severe the effects from the sedatives are. The success rate of the sedative is listed as below

    Nat 1: The medic has shot themselves with the dart, causing a -2 on all rolls due to sedative.
    2-10: The medic has missed. No debuffs are delivered to the target.
    11 - 15: The medic has hit the target! Albeit, barely. The enemy receives a -2 debuff due to sedative. 
    16-19: The enemy has received a -4 debuff due to sedatives.
    Nat 20: The enemy is instantly K.O’d from the shot for two rounds.


  19. [SUPPORT] Miracle Worker: This trait allows for a medic to make a ‘saving roll’ for a character who is unconscious or below 5 HP during combat. If you roll above a 10, you will be able to resuscitate the fallen individual to half of their HP; if you roll below a 10, you will give them +3 HP. Can only be applied to an individual once.

  20. [ATTACK][DEFENCE] ID: This medic can use a turn round to identify a vital area of weakness in a target who is attacking them. The medic gets a +3 to attack or defend against the opponent. Lasts three rounds. [SINGLE USE]

  21. [ATTACK] OPHIVICIOUS [ I ]: This medic can attack with a deadly cocktail of medications stored in a little dart [projectile]. Medic must roll a 1d20 to attack. If they succeed the target gains the poisoned status until treated.

  22. [SUPPORT]  Acupuncture: This individual may ease the suffering of another through precise application of instruments to vital nerves. Negate the effects of Fatigue, Fear, Poison, OR Shocked for 1d3 turns. (3 uses).

  23.  [SUPPORT] Breath of Life: This medic may remove the suffocation or low oxygen status or revive a knocked out (0 HP) teammate, restoring them to 5HP. 3 uses.

  24. [DEFENCE] PAINKILLER:  If this medic gains any status, they will be immune to any HP damage for two consecutive rounds.

  25. [ATTACK] [DEFENCE] BLOODTHIRSTY: When a Medic with this trait successfully hits a target afflicted with Bleed, they restore lost HP equal to half of the damage, rounded down. [SINGLE USE]

  26. [DEFENCE] PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Once activated, this Medic can gradually regain +2 hp, for 5 rounds thereafter. Can only be used once per event. If medic is under the sun, add +4 instead of +2 for 5 rounds.

  27. [SUPPORT] EMERGENCY RESERVE: This medic may negate their roll to restore a guaranteed 10HP to the target. [SINGLE USE]

  28.  [SUPPORT] Crisis Averted: Medics with this trait are able to carry out a healing roll, as well as an additional roll to remove a status effect.

  29.  [SUPPORT] Get a grip: This medic may remove two status effects in one go. However, a patient will be inflicted with stunned for one post round after use.

Mechanic Traits

  1.  [STATUS] Calm under Pressure: +3 during life threatening emergency repairs. Results in fatigue.

  2. [ACTION] Pumping Iron: +5 to strength rolls for lifting, throwing, pulling, pushing; results in -2 to all following speed rolls. 

  3.  [ACTION] Weapons specialist: +3 to successfully disarming or fixing weapons. This can be either disarming a weapon itself manually or disarming a person of a weapon. 

  4. [STATUS] Kick the tyres and light the fires: Any vehicle with this mechanic on board has +2 to speed and manoeuvrability rolls​

  5. [SUPPORT] WD40: During a roll round a mechanic can look over any weapon or mechanical tool instead of taking a different action and grant a +1 to the target object . [GROUP STACK +5] [STACKS +5] 

  6. [ATTACK]  [ACTION] Metal Bender: +1 to all rolls against metal based objects

  7. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Mason: +1 to interactions with hard surfaces (excluding metals) i.e. rock, concrete, asphalt, plastics  â€‹

  8. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Sparky: +1 to all rolls against electronics and electricals

  9.  [ACTION]  Kick Start: +4 to success of getting a machine working in the mechanic’s favour when giving the thing a good whack. Apply once per object. 

  10. [ACTION] Hold the Door: If this Mechanic successfully wins rolls to barricade, bolt down, seal, restrain or chain anything, this will hold firm for three post rounds.

  11. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Boom boom baby: +4 to successfully hitting a target when a Mechanic deliberately sabotages or explodes a device. The Machine is permanently unusable thereafter. [SINGLE USE]

  12. [DEFENCE] [STATUS] Protein Power: When critically injured (under 10HP) this Mechanic earns +3 to all defensive and escape rolls. Results in fatigue.

  13. [STATUS] Insulated: +3 to all rolls in harsher environments including heat, high temperatures or poor oxygen quality. This mechanic is resistant to shock, stunning or suffocation for one additional post round.

  14. [DEFENCE] Heavy Metal: Cannot be damaged for 2 post rounds. [SINGLE USE]

  15. [DEFENCE]  Hardened: Takes 2 less HP damage due to blunt or melee damage. 

  16. [ATTACK] Heavy Handed: +2 if using a tool or melee weapon when fighting. 

  17. [ACTION] Hotwire: +4 to successfully break in and hotwire a vehicle. Can only be attempted twice per vehicle, thereafter, if still unsuccessful, the vehicle is rendered beyond repair.

    The vehicle rolls 1d20 against the mechanic's roll each time (must be rolled by someone else).


  18. [ACTION] Lock smith: Any manual lock can be unlocked by this Mechanic in two rounds.

  19. [SUPPORT]  PITSTOP: When treating a patient a mechanic may roll a flat 1d20 instead of the flat 1d10 to add the points rolled to the target's HP. Allows for up to 20HP to be restored to the target.

  20.  [STATUS] CLOSED IN: When this mechanic is in a small or enclosed space that inhibits movement they get a +3 bonus to rolls

  21. [ACTION] HYPOID SAVANT: A bonus of +2 to mechanics when operating or fixing machinery.

  22. [ACTION] PROSTHETIST: When repairing prosthetics or androids this mechanic gains a +3

  23. [SUPPORT] RALLY AND RIOT: This mechanic may give +2 bonus to teammates when the teammate is handling machinery

  24. [ATTACK] SORE SPOT: This mechanic gains a +2 to attacks on guards.

Intelligence Traits

  1. [ACTION] Hijacked: This intel officer can hijack technology for two post rounds before Mars software overrides and retrieves their assets. Once Mars has retrieved their technology, this Intel Officer will have -2 to all rolls against ALL Mars tech for the rest of the event/battle. 

    • Only two Mars tech may be hijacked at the same time

    • If your roll fails you automatically have -2 against Mars tech and cannot re-attempt hijack. 

    • Cannot be re-hacked after a successful attack. 

    • This trait may only be used on one piece of technology at a time. 

    • This trait does not stack across multiple officers.

    • [SINGLE USE]

  2. [STATUS] Copyright: This Intel Officer can copy one Trait from an opponent or ally ignoring class limitations and use this till the end of the event/battle. Takes up two slots. Will receive any negatives the trait also has. [SINGLE USE]

  3. [SUPPORT] Strategist: +1 to all party members except the user against technology when this Intel officer is present on mission.​​ [GROUP STACK +5

  4. [ACTION] White Hacker: +2 On Defensive hack rolls

  5. [ACTION] Eagle Eye: +2 when using satellite or drones to spot or track

  6. [ACTION] Sleight of Hands: +3 to going unnoticed for trickery involving sleight of hands.​

  7. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Multitasker: +1 to physical action roll AND +1 to digital action roll. This intelligence officer can do one action roll AND an additional digital action roll in the one post. I.e. shoot a gun and enter the door code/ run while hacking with a hand held device/ dodge and disarm a door’s bioscanner. â€‹

  8. [ACTION] Lock picker: Any digital lock can be unlocked by this Intelligence officer/in two rounds.​

  9. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Digital Blindness: Once successfully rolling a cloaking action, this Intel officer and anyone in their party can remain unnoticed by robotics and camera footage for 2 post rounds. Cannot be used if already noticed by robotics/cameras. [SINGLE USE]

  10. [DEFENCE] Distraction: If a distraction roll is successful, the opponent loses the ability to counter or chase in their next post (but may dodge).

  11. [DEFENCE] Anti-virus: Guards of Phanes naturally have -2 rolls in the presence of this Intelligence officer. [GROUP STACK -4] 

  12.  [ACTION] Navigator: +2 when rolling to navigate through dangerous areas or identifying hidden dangers​

  13. [STATUS] Caffeinated: +1 to all rolls if the user drinks coffee or a caffeinated beverage. Takes up 1 round each drink. [STACKS +5] 

  14. [ATTACK] Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP): If successful, all electronics other than those managed by this Intel Officer, will blackout/freeze/malfunction, for each round of rolling this will need to be rechecked. If at anytime this fails, the opponent may immediately roll to resume attacking without waiting.

    The equipment that initiates the EMP cannot be moved.
    This will also affect ally equipment. [SINGLE USE]

    I.e. Intel officer initiates an EMP and rolls a 13. The Guard rolls an 11 against EMP; guard cannot move and begins malfunctioning.
    Next round, Intel officer rolls an 11 but the guard rolls an 3, Guard remains malfunctioning.
    Third round, Intel Officer rolls an 10 but the guard rolls an 12, Guard regains functionality and now can attack the Intel Officer immediately without waiting another round and rolls an 15 to bite the Intel Officer.


  15. [ATTACK] Locked on: Enemies cannot evade close range or long range attacks for two turns.  Only applies to this user.

  16. [DEFENCE] [STATUS] Means to an End:  Allows a fail roll to be counted as a minimum success. Usable up to three times per event.

  17. [ACTION] Baby Hotline!: +3 to rolls when establishing communication lines. [GROUP STACK UNLIMITED

  18. [SUPPORT] META-DATA: Using guidance from a medic over communications, this intel officer gains a +2 bonus to a flat 1d20 healing roll, to an injured teammate.

  19.  [SUPPORT] Informed Action: Other team members get +1 to a rolls when acting on intel given by this character

  20. [STATUS] NULL: When activated, this trait nullifies any other active traits/buffs for one round, meaning all players and enemies roll a flat D20. One time use. Bonuses are restored the following round.

  21. [STATUS][SUPPORT] FIREWALL: Creates a digital blockade with 20 HP that the opponent has to roll to chip through to access that data. HP is stackable if more Intel jump in to help maintain the firewall. You cannot take any other actions while it's active.

Scout Traits

  1. [ATTACK] [STATUS]Last Stand: +5 when in critical health. Results in bleeding out/ shock  after 3 post rounds. [SINGLE USE]

  2. [STATUS] Impressive Constitution: Additional 10 bonus HP for a total of 40 HP; consequence takes up two trait slots (Cannot be paired with High Constitution)

  3. [DEFENCE] Thick Skinned: +5 on defensive rolls against attacks; consequence if hit, an additional -2 HP to injury

  4. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Shield Wall: When multiple Scouts with this trait are together they gain the following bonus to all team based actions…
    2 Scouts: +2 to all defensive rolls & 2 additional HP 
    3 Scouts: +4 to all defensive rolls & 3 additional HP
    4 Scouts: +5 to all defensive rolls & 4 additional HP 


  5. [ATTACK] Sniper: +2 to all attacks using guns, causes bleed if successful. Does not have a cooldown time. 

  6. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Smasher: +2 to all attacks using melee weapons; causes target to be stunned. Does not have a cooldown time. 

  7. [ATTACK] [ACTION] Slasher: +2 to all attacks using blades; causes bleed if successful. Does not have a cooldown time.

  8. [ACTION] Speeder: +2 to all speed rolls

  9. [STATUS] Zoom: +3 to all rolls when using a vehicle as a action 

  10. [DEFENCE]  Tank: +2 to all defensive rolls

  11. [DEFENCE] [STATUS] Rolls with the punches: Once down to half HP, user negates 2 HP for every consequent injury

  12. [ATTACK] No Pain, No Gain: Scouts are able to reduce their own HP points to boost an action roll up to a total of 5 HP (regardless of other trait negators)  per use. Can be used until  ‘Critical Health’ status (i.e. 5 HP or under) is reached.​

  13. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Light Armour: Armour has 5 HP, these will be sacrificial HP for the wearer first before the wearer would take damage. Will not prevent shock, poisoning (gas) or suffocation.
    When wearing armour -2 to all movement/speed rolls (will not affect vehicle speeds). 
    Note: Armour can be transferred to another character at any time, includes debuff
    Cannot be paired with Heavy Armour


  14. [DEFENCE] [SUPPORT] Heavy Armour: Armour has 10 HP, these will be sacrificial HP for the wearer first before the wearer would take damage. Will not prevent shock, poisoning (gas) or suffocation.
    When wearing armour -4 to movement/speed rolls (will not affect vehicle speeds). 
    Note: Armour can be transferred to another character at any time
    Cannot be paired with Light Armour


  15. [ATTACK] Tooth and Claw: +2 when fighting without a melee or short range weapon. 

  16. [ATTACK] [STATUS] High morale: +3 until HP falls to 20 or below. This trait becomes unusable for the remainder of the event.

  17. [SUPPORT] [ACTION] The Dazzling Distraction!: roll 1d20 to distract one or more opponents to follow or chase the distractor, the success rate of the distraction is determined below...

    1 - 2: Opponent is enraged, has +2 to all rolls 
    3 - 4: No distraction 
    5 - 10: One Enemy distracted 
    11 - 15: Two Enemies distracted
    16 - 19: Three Enemies distracted
    20: All enemies distracted

  18. [ATTACK] Uno reverse: This Scout can’t be surprised or caught off guard, and instead of the opponent getting to attack first, this Scout can roll to attack first. If their initial attack hits, they get a +2 to all rolls against this opponent. If they fail the opponents can attack as per normal.

  19. [ATTACK] Double Whammy:  This scout can roll to attack (and only attack) twice rather than just once. The opponent may use the one defence roll against both attacks. However, once used, the next opponents attack action cannot be defended against. 


    Scout: Left punch 1d20+3 = 9
    Right punch 1d20+3 = 15

    Mechanic: Cross blocks 1d20+2 = 13; therefore blocks the left punch, does not block the right punch, takes on 2 points of damage. 
    Mechanic then attacks, rolls 1d20+5 = 12, Scout immediately takes wrench to nose for 12 damage. 


  20.  [STATUS] INFILTRATOR: +2 to rolls while being in enemy territory.

  21. [SUPPORT] SCANNER ACTIVATE: Upon a successful d20 roll against an enemy, your special eyes can determine how much HP the target enemy has.

  22.  [SUPPORT] MEERKAT: This scout can put out a signal (bird call or some other flavorful shit) alerting other scouts to danger without revealing the group to the enemy. Limit 3 per event. Other classes cannot detect the signal.

  23. [DEFENCE] POWER ARMOUR: Armour gives scouts 10 temporary HP during combat and a +3 to strength. However it gives them -4 to spd. Takes up two trait slots, and cannot be paired with Light/Heavy Armor Traits.

Health points

All Characters start off with a base of 30 health-points (HP) which can be reduced due to injury or illness during RP. These will be particularly important during events, missions and even particularly fights. 


How to determine rolls and HP during altercations:

  1. Both opponents must roll a 1d20 + Traits bonus (see below) to determine first which was successful.

  2. Calculate the difference between the two rolls to determine the total HP cost

  3. Remove the total HP cost from the losing current Character’s HP

    Healing - Every medic may roll a flat 1d10 to determine how much HP can be restored to the target. Up to 10 HP points can be restored per round to a target. A medic may also roll a 1d20 against a mod to remove a status effect. Only one of these actions can be taken per round.

    The above also applies to mechanics in healing androids or restoring HP via repairing prosthetics.


SO, your character messed up. Maybe they got a little beat up or maybe they over exerted themselves? Unfortunately, they will get slapped with consequences which may impact them immediately or gradually worsen their condition until they resolve it. If they resolve it. 


  1. Injured: Immediately remove HP points from the difference between attack and defence

  2. Fatigue: -2 to every action roll until rested. To rest, miss one action turn. 

  3. Fear: -3 to action rolls for three rounds

  4. Poison: -2 to HP to every post until treated

  5. Shock: -1 to both action rolls and HP until treated

  6. Suffocation: Three posts till immediate KO

  7. Bleed: Remove -2 HP and -1 to action rolls every post
    “5 litres of blood looks a lot different outside of the body.” 


  8. Stunned: Character cannot return an attack or action for one round

  9. Burn: -2 HP and -1 to action rolls every post

  10. Corrupted: Status effect that can put an android either out of commission or make them see allies as enemies until shut down or HP drops below 5. This effectively makes them a temporary enemy.

  11. RAGE: Adds a - 5 DEF and -2 PER for remainder of Battle/RP until Calmed or Sedated via applicable traits. If RAGE persists for longer than 3 turns, roll a 1d2, 1 results in FATIGUE.

  12. FREEZE: -2 to speed rolls, increasing by -1 each roll round up to -5. Will stay in effect at -5 until treated. The next roll round after reaching -5 you will be afflicted with FROSTBITE and you will be unable to dodge until FREEZE is treated.

  13. FROSTBITE: Upon affliction, you will continue to lose hp by -2 every 2 post rounds.

  14. Low Oxygen: A [CON] roll will be required every round that a character is without enough air. Every round that ends with a failed [CON] roll will result in [-2 HP] being docked.

  15. Delirium: Confusion, target a random party mate.


  1. ‘Critically Injured’ character is defined as having 10 HP or below and should have a significantly diminished ability to counter or move.  

  2. Hitting 0 HP is considered ‘death’, however, it is the handler’s choice if they want their character to die and if they do not, the character will be rendered unconscious instead.

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