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L-004 (Mars)

Antares & Politics

Antares functions as a Stratocratic Oligarchy. Overseen by military officials whose identities are concealed even to the Martian public, there is no chance of influence from individuals or enterprises. While In the same breath, they use the puppet democracy to placate society
After all, Antares itself prefers to keep things running smoothly from behind the scenes.

Besides, the main committee that is kept from public knowledge; Is The Lower Ring. They are the ‘faces’ and ‘figureheads’ that represent The Committee. It is rare one even is aware of the presence of Antares. To be in such a position must be a great honour.

Meanwhile, Antares is not afraid to snuff out flames among the populous. Only those who have real undying loyalty may truly keep their place. 

Judicial system

The Judicial System is run by those chosen by Antares and its lower-court. Therefore it is extremely strict,  the persons in charge are considered to represent Antares and the society's laws as a whole. Judges' and jury's faces are obscured from public knowledge.
Thus, outside forces or individuals not in specific social circles cannot become judges or juries. As the decisions are passed up the chain of command an Antares representative is present at each trial.

Prison and punishment, re-education

The Prison System on mars is run by the council’s military forces, officers who are assigned are trained in the basics: Police strategy, legal knowledge, procedure, apprehension arrest, weapons training, and mental toughness. These soldiers are in the lower ranks of the military; Doing their duty, keeping the facilities under control and protection. No prisoner gets in or out under the careful watch of prison guards and security systems in place.

The facilities themself are the bare minimum for lower-class prisoners, the higher your status on mars, you can get better treatment and conditions at the very least. Though, if the crime is major, your status may end up revoked.

The basic crimes such as petty crimes, including minor theft and simple law breaks, the individual will be imprisoned or fined for a sum. If they cannot pay the sum or wish for an alternative to imprisonment for a number of weeks-months, they will be sent to work it off either in a biome, or a work camp. However, there is not much difference between imprisonment and working off the crime. As you are often under intensive surveillance and schedules either way.

When the crimes are more severe (i.e, Violent crimes of any sort, mass death, low-level data-breaching, or mass theft) including attempts to escape mars, and the individual is returned; The individual, will be sent to re-education as an attempt to reinstate the propaganda of Antares and Martian society. As a way to reintegrate the individual into their uniform society.
The prisoner will be subjected to the worst of treatment, conditions, and punishments in the attempt to keep them in line:
[Prisoner Isolation, Social ostracising, Torture, Reciting propaganda, Bare minimum meals/scraps, Punishment and reward tactics, Intensive labour...]
If all else fails, and the person upon release tries to escape, they will be executed for there is no second chances.

If the crime is worse than an attempt to escape or the basic severities; Such as fraternising with earthlings or high-level security breaches and leaks,
the individual will suffer the death penalty, or on sight execution. If Antares and the councils see the individual as a threat to the society they have formed, they may even attempt extraction of information and then proceed with the execution.

Economic structure

The current Economic Structure of Mars Is Capitalist, with Imperialist qualities. It is highly controlled and made to keep the working class, working. The rich are kept complacent by this system. Free of any arduous labour.

The current system of money influx and flow is stored in credit-chip implants, given at birth. Every member of the current society should have one, and they are born with a set number of finances. Over-seen by one major corporate bank chain. There is one unit of money, digital in nature, called Millennium. Originally what physical money had been called 500+ years prior, during the uniting of governments to keep the economy stable. 

Black market and underbelly

The underbelly of Mars is rooted in the slums of society. The lowest classes often rely on these markets, and seedy criminals to keep them afloat. Though- not all are so friendly. Antares and their lower council are aware of its existence, however, they use it as a distraction and focus a frame on those criminals to keep their societies unity.

Often home to revolutionaries and groups that cannot maintain a regular standing in the upper societies. They sell different scavenged and stolen-items. Many have glitched or broken chips installed in them so they cannot be tracked, and there are services offered to do so for those looking to get away. 

Tax system

The taxation system on Mars comes with hefty price tags. There is no real way to evade taxes unless you’re on the high society of mars. It’s managed completely by the government. All you’re required to do is fill out the taxation form every 5 years. Tax rate is set in stone.

Individuals' gross income is estimated through their credit chip and job system files. This includes what they have bought and paid for, and what they owe.
Split into two categories, Local and Federal. They are combined however into one unit. The public pays an amount for both. The local is considered by the sectors on mars, and the federal taxation is overall handling construction and basic societal systems. This also covers the militaristic needs of Mars as a whole.


Martian Military is a ranked and sectioned system, depending on what section  is assigned based on the hierarchical structure of the society at hand, an individual may work their way up the ranks. They are both the police, the guards of biomes, and more.


The technology of mars is highly futuristic and advanced, compared to earth’s. It requires large amounts of resources to function and intensive upkeep. Much of it is built to last through decades and is rapidly advancing. Due to this, they use earth and other planets in the solar system as resources.

With hovercraft motorbikes, and holographic screens, the Martian advancements are further than they had originally left on earth, now, 500 years later.

Any old-world technology or out-of-date systems and ‘junk’ are often dumped on earth, including out-of-use biomes. Which is more or less an advantage for resources for the citizens of earth.

The most striking thing about Martian technology is not only the advances, but also the intricate mechanisms, and sleek designs. Both in robotics seen in guardians, with each model becoming more and more accurate or in androids with how human and aware they may be.

Though the last 100 years have been the most striking advancements including complete consciousness transferral. And attempts to recreate the consciousness and body completely from a splice of DNA. However this is only available to the upper class of Mars society, it comes with a hefty price, yet, those who can pay, pay. 


Education starts from Pre-Kinder to University Graduate, the system is ultimately in place to crank out exemplary workers and keep the poor, well, poor. Those who are on the bottom rungs tend to have a no-to-little chance at all to reach university and are often sent immediately to work; Either in Biomes or In Factories on Mars. More than not, education is highly valued and often seen as a privilege.

Those who have extensive education may be of the upper classes, generally upper-middle to high class [ considerably, aiming for popular white collar jobs, ranging from dentistry, military, and for higher-end, to robotics engineering, scientists, and  politics.]


Censoring on Mars is wide and varied, from small inconsistencies in stories to large and considerably problematic issues behind the scenes. The Committee tends to keep a close eye on whom they hire to write the stories and fill in the details of the half-truths and lies they feed the populace. The majority of censorship comes in the form of media control and picking and choosing what is presented to the public or what is taught in schools.


The propaganda of Mars has slowly changed over time from 500 years ago as Antares gained a tighter grip on the populous. Though some things have carried and been rephrased to fit the current narratives. It heavily relies on digital media, such as news outlets and videos as its main source, and educational sites/books as well, it can be found across the board even in the tiniest of things, something so small thought to be harmless. It leaks into everyday life whether Martians are aware or not.  

Transportation to earth

Transport Shuttle Model A-57; Millennium station; Route I-75

Mass Transportation; Gravitational Pull into Station C;  Model A-98;

Deimos Beacon; Private Shuttle service, given to those in power; Models Beta A-7 and Alpha A-24; Takes varying routes that are privately requested. 

Population density

  • Before Exodus: Cusp of 10 Billion

  • Exodus population: 50 Million

  • Current population: 1.5 Billion

  • Growth rate: -1.2%

  • Mass Famine Loss: 300 Million 

  • Death percentile on avg: 3.2%

Languages & nationalities

Martian Settlements are home to many broad cultural capacities. Though some of the populous have merged and created more melting pots, humanity has still clung to their languages and cultures.

The settlements are marked by sectors and are governed by ‘sector heads’ often similar to the role of governor or mayor. The sector heads are often generational families and tend to be upheld in the world or glamorised.

Sector examples

If your character is Martian they do not have to be from one of these Sectors and you are welcome to make your own!

Social structures & socio-economic status

The Social structuring of Mars relies on social stratification, therefore there is an ‘in’ group and an ‘out’ group. The in group would be reasonably the upper middle and high class. Those who are complacent with their position in society. While, those who are of the lower class, tend to suffer under the thumb, and are often in debt. This keeps the working class, and blue-collars, in focus; without risking much idea or information of Antares as an entity.

In a general sense and example there are three major classes

Upper Class- Consists of the rich and famous, politics, major figures on mars, has access to almost everything except things exclusive to the government unless a puppet official. 

Middle Class - General White-Collar Workers, Those who are above the lower middle class and lower class, financially stable, no debt, very integrated into the society.

And Lower Class - Blue collar workers, Homeless populus, Overall lower working class, indebtors.

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