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Thank you for visiting the Parallax FAQ!


There are a number of general questions below that may answer your questions, these are separated into General, Applications, Character Creation and World FAQs. 


However, if anything remains unclear however, please feel free to contact a mod and we will help you momentarily.


As time progresses we may add new FAQ’s and will be noted on the master list of all new FAQ’s below.

All New FAQs

    April Update


1. What Education is available on Earth, does everyone have basic education? 

Education in the sense of formal education/schools no longer exists. Settlements will work to pass on knowledge, which usually tends to focus largely on survival skills and base level academics, though specifics will vary between individual settlements and this may not apply to those that are wanderers without settlements. Books etc that have been preserved may still also be used, but there is no mandatory schooling, unless enforced within a settlement. 


2. Can we make our own Settlement that characters can be from?

Yes! However as with any characters that you apply, ideas for settlements will also need to be approved to ensure they work with the world. These settlements should not have a population exceeding 200. 


3. Can we have NPCs that are on L-004 (Mars)? 

Yes, however the likelihood of these npcs ever being seen in rp is extremely low and so such characters are best treated as story elements. 




     May Update 


  1. On Mars I'm guessing they have a system of authority, is their police/independent detectives etc? Would they have to operate under specific jurisdiction?
    Yes yes and yes- think of it as very similar to what we have now. Mars continued to go on as a civilisation as earth was abandoned. For more information about these specifications, check the L-004 Document!


  2. Are we able to make ex Mars military personnel?
    Yes! They would likely have to have been posted on earth though, similarly to biome workers except they’d be there for security and protection reasons.


  3. How often do Mars personnel stationed on Earth go back to Mars?
    Very infrequently- they can be stationed for years at a time, it’s a very semi-permanent type of position


  4. I have a bit of a question about Mars architecture? I know it aligns with high tech, but is it brutalist architecture? What's the style?
    Parametric, Brutalist, futurism/neo-futurism are probably the best references! Especially parametric, since this style is also mirrored for mars made biomes on earth.


  5. Does Mars have a lower, poorer class?
    Yep! Wealth disparities do occur on Mars too, oftentimes the way families fix this gap is through having people become biome workers since it pays so well. Though, the wealth disparities of Mars obviously doesn’t compare to the non-existent wealth structure on earth.


       June Update 


  1.  What might happen to the family members of a person who defects to earth? Is there a risk of Antares hurting them?
    It is circumstantial to the character and the conditions that lead to them defecting. There is a risk, especially in terms of information possibly spread and debt.


  2. Does Mars have dairy. If so, do they rear cattle on mars or in earth biomes? or is it synthesised these days?
    Dairy exists, cattle are reared in earth biomes due to it being overall easier and also because they would be needed for other products anyhow. There is also synthesised product and this would be more common, with the cattle industry being significantly smaller.


  3. How are students/workers on Mars treated for asking more than they should?
    The situation is a case of, the more you get involved the less welcoming people are. Optimism originally would be valued since any effort to help Mars is appreciated- but once you become involved with Earth, especially biome work, the atmosphere very much becomes ‘we don’t speak about it’. Other biome workers wouldn’t know, and higher ups would likely brush them off or shut it down. They’d be especially prickly about questions regarding life on earth. Should they ask too much, disciplinary action or worse may occur.

    June-December Update


  4. Are the #comms channels meant to be radio or text/chat logs or like a mix?
    Both! People can opt to send either radio or text messages through the comms lines. Video and Photo messages are also permitted as the situation allows. There will be times the connection limits this, but that will be stated.


  5. When we are submitting a secondary character do we have to write a roleplay sample for them too?
    The sample is optional for the secondary's app if you’ve already been accepted! If this is your primary character, however, you will be required to write a roleplay sample for them. If you are still applying for the group, your secondary character will still have to have an rp sample.


  6. How is the ocean doing.... Are there fish in there? Could they potentially be a viable food source? 
    While some areas may be completely dead, others will still sustain life- so there would be fish. Depending on the health of that part of water and how the fish is prepared, they could also become a viable food source. I mean, technically anything is edible at least once…


  7. How far apart officially did the main Events take place from each other? 
    Each main Event has had a couple months apart from the next one to allow the natural progression of events and discovery. 


  8. How does the character redesign approval process work?
    Art app updates don’t need reapproval, you can redo the art as you please and resubmit it in #character-apps! For written app updates, minor changes (error corrections, timeline updates) don’t need to be discussed with mods. However, if you want to change major things (backstory changes, traits), please create a ticket and submit your proposal there! 


  9. Can I create my own mini-events?
    Yes, plenty of our members have created mini-events in between main events. We recommend opening up a ticket with the mods and bouncing your ideas off of us as well as submitting your documents so we can give feedback and approve them. Mini-Events MUST have a document submitted via ticket and approved before they can be run.


  10. Is it required for my character to be a part of main Events? 
    Nope! We understand that personal lives will take precedence, so don’t worry if you can’t make it for a main Event. 


  11. When were Pax and Vulcan destroyed? 
    Pax was destroyed two years and Vulcan was destroyed about <6 months prior to the start of the roleplay.


  12. How long do main Events last? 
    Main events will usually last 2-3 real time days and those dates are polled to the server to determine which weekend works best for most people. Each session will usually last ~10 hours before putting the RP on pause and continuing the next day at a selected time. Keep in mind, Events have been rather unpredictable with time, though in-person adjustments can and will be made to benefit the majority present.

    January-February update 


  13. How do Martians usually deflect/flee to earth?
    Depends on the situation of the martian! Some Martians are rich and may be able to flee by aircraft and a good cover story, some may be evicted criminals, or some may escape through going to work at a biome on earth! It all depends on their circumstance.


  14. Can I change my character's class, and if so do they need special training?
    You are totally welcome to swap classes for your oc. We've had characters take on different classes before so as long as it's not happening in the middle of an active event, this should be a-okay! You're welcome to flavor the process or just change over, but flavoring it isn't a prerequisite. Just make sure you let us know via a ticket when you've officially finalized your changes and are ready to commit to them.


  15. Can my OC have hobbies relating to other classes without being in said class?
    OCs are very entitled to have hobbies and expertise outside their classes, they just won't be able to join class-specific events if they're not in that class nor will they have specific traits categorised as that class unless they are in it.


  16. Are Seasons and their related weather patterns still existent in Parallax?
    Seasons are still a thing! Weather is however pretty unstable now and can swing drastically to the extremes no matter the season, which is why things like flash flooding etc are a risk!


  17. Does Salus provide Comms?
    Yes, it can be assumed that Salus provides Comms to permanent residents for reasons of safety and concern, as well as community! Problems with Comms would be addressed by the Intel department


  18. Where are Martian’s implants located? If so, how deep are they?
    Usually they are located in the upper body with flexibility on where exactly you want to have them be. The usual places are the back of the neck, upper arm, shoulder, or below the collarbone. They are embedded deeply enough to not be easy to remove without some sort of medical knowledge but not so deep they can’t be scanned.


  19.  If we want to switch one of our main pcs to an npc do we have to make an npc app for them? (also do we need mod approval to do that first?)
    Yes, an NPC app is technically required to officialise an NPC in the world of Parallax! And we would love a heads up, just so we know what you plan to do! 

  20. If we are planning to switch an npc to one of our pcs, we still have to submit their app for review, correct?
    Yep! It would work just like a regular app check that you’re entering for a new character!


  21. Can we have personalized traits for characters as long as we run them by the mod team?
    We actually have a traits suggestion doc, so as long as you'd be okay with the trait being potentially usable by other people, I don't see why you couldn't tailor it to your oc when suggesting it! Definitely run it by us and we can discuss that idea.




General FAQ

1. What genre is Parallax?

Parallax is a sci-fi dystopian rp with a sandbox, semi-plot style with emphasis on collaboration. Activity will not be mandatory, but may be necessary in order to keep up with story progression.

2. What is the writing/RP style?
The rp is mostly paragraph based but alternative styles are welcome!


3. Where are RP’s generally held?
All events will be held in the discord server. General RPs are welcome to be through any other medium (notes, google docs, private server) however, naturally, the mod team cannot monitor these.


4. What’s the policy on character deaths?
Mods will not kill your characters without prior permission. If you wish to kill off your character, please contact a mod to organise this, do not kill your character without first clearing this decision with a mod as it could impact the story. 

Application FAQ

1. Is there an acceptance cap?
[UPDATED FOR SEASON 2] For this season we will have an acceptance cap that is due to be announced!


2. How many characters can we have?
You can make three characters but keep in mind there’s the possibility that only one will be accepted. If one of your characters isn't accepted, you may apply for a second or third after the initial intake.

3.When can I apply a second and third character?
Your second and third character can be applied at any time after the initial opening, however please contact a mod when you’d like to apply this character so we can review the application!


4.What happens if I want to replace a character?
If your character dies or is retired, you may, with Mod permission, replace them with another. 

5.Can someone else draw my art app?
Yes! As long as credit is given. Acceptance is not based on art skill. 


6. Can my app be traditional?
Yes, both digital and traditional art apps are accepted. 

7. Can I have someone help write my app?
No, as the selection of characters is on the basis of quality of writing we ask that what is submitted in writing is completed by yourself. You are free however to bounce ideas off others.


8. Is there going to be a pre-approval review?

If you’re ever concerned, a pre-approved review by a mod can be completed. Mods can be messaged for a pre-approval up to 3 days before application closes. . You may ask for an app-check at any time, however you are limited to 3 checks per character.

Please note, this does not guarantee a spot.

Character creation FAQ

1. Can my character be from L-004?
Yes, however for this your character would have to have been a biosphere worker that had defected or found other means to escape to Earth as there is no civilian access to ships to R-001. Your background of your character must convey…
- How they came to realise there are people still alive on Earth
- Why they defected and/or left the safety of L-004

L-004 Defectors are rare therefore we will be limiting to 15% of all characters to be Mars associated.

Please contact mods for more info.

2. Can I have ‘hidden’ background information?
Yes you can have hidden background information. However, during the character submission phase, please submit crucial hidden information to the mod team.


3. I'm applying a character but can my character have a pre-existing history/relationship with another character?
Yes, you must however confirm with the other Mun/RPer what the relationship is prior to applying.
Keep in mind, not all characters will make it past the applications stage and a relationship with a character will not guarantee both or all entry. Characters that your character has a relationship with and do not make it will then revert to NPC status.


4. Can I ship my characters with other characters? 

Yes, shipping is allowed however should not be the main focus. Pre-shipping is discouraged.


Do not force ship, ships should always be mutually agreed on. Forceshipping will result in a warning or possible kick. 

5. Are body modifications allowed?
Yes, body modifications are allowed, this includes hair colour, eye colour, tattoos, scarifications and elective surgeries. However, you must consider the realism of these features and the fact they may be expensive and hard to maintain upkeep on Earth.


6. Can my character have a prosthetic/robotic replacement?
Yes, prosthetic and robotic replacements are allowed, however they should not provide additional capabilities without a matching trait. As the group progresses however, this may be upgraded with prior mod approva

7. Are Martians aware of the history and historic culture of R-001?
Martians are aware of Earth’s history until the mass evacuation to Mars where they have been provided propaganda that the Earth is not life sustaining without Biome intervention.

L-004 cherishes their historic archives including all pop culture and inefficient and hazardous relics such as petroleum fueled machinery and the Iphone.

L-004 has progressed independently beyond R-001 in terms of history, culture and arts as well that Earthers will not be privy to.


8. Are those on Earth aware of the history and historic culture of Earth?
Human are aware of what they were exposed to and shared between the settlements, with no formal education system and a scattered information, there are often gaps in human knowledge.

They are aware of the great planetary destruction and L-004 vacating Earth to be used as a harvesting planet. They are not aware of how much L-004 has progressed or what L-004 appears like.


9. Are we permitted NPCs?
Yes NPCs are permitted, however they are not allowed to be used in the Official Story Events. They can, however, be used in Mini-Events and have traits in said events UNLESS stated by the mun running the event. They can also be roleplayed in threads and main channels as long as they have a completed NPC visual app. NPCS are only official in the Main Parallax Server, they will not be considered official in the preserver.


10.Can my character have a pet?
Yes, your character can have a Pet but must be treated as an NPC. 


11.How do Martians get to be Biome Workers? 

Biome workers tend to be individuals at the top of their field needed for one task or another for the type of Biome they were allocated too (i.e. Botanist to farming Biomes, Geologists to mining Biomes, Military for security on any etc.). All Biome Workers are screened for their job capabilities, health, and psychological standing (including allegiance to Mars and their likely chances of defecting). This is because they can be deployed for years and isolated from contact with Mars and their families save for periodic and heavily monitored communications. No communication between Biome Workers and Mars inhabitants are in real time.

Traits FAQ

1. Can traits stack in rolls?
Yes, unless the trait’s description says otherwise. The total bonus points of the stacked traits cannot equal more than 10 points.


2. Can I use the traits of multiple classes?
You may only use the traits of the Neutral and classes that your character is in.


3. Can I only use the traits of one category (e.g. Neutral only)?
Sure can bud


4. I have an idea for a trait, can I suggest it?
Yes! Please privately DM a mod and submit your proposal, we will consider it and may implement it.You can also submit your proposal to this document: TRAITS and mods will provide feedback/possible revisions! 


5. I hate my combo, can I change my traits?
Yes, however, this cannot be during the middle of an event, mission or fight and must occur either after or before with the changes submitted in notice to a mod.

world FAQ

1.Are there other cities/towns/countries?
Yes there are multiple surviving settlements, some are stationary, some are nomadic and it is common for people to migrate to a different settlement (if they are accepted by the community there).

Stationary settlements are typically hard to find as they must stay hidden for L-004 scouting or opposing factions that may raid each other.

It is not uncommon for settlements to disappear…


2.Are there communication devices?
Yes, Earthers have communication devices using old remnant technologies and satellites that L-014 isn't aware of. These have been utilised by people on R-001 although occasionally they do go down.


3.What technology is available on Earth?
Technology on R-001 is a patchwork quilt, new things are never created but pieced together by old scrap heaps that litter the land or are uncovered. Some items come from discarded or raided L-004 technologies.


4.Is there any form of Government/ Authority/ Law left on R-001?
After the collapse no Government has managed to survive on R-001, there is no law and each settlement has determined their own set of rules to organise their communities.


5.Is there any form of Military left on R-001?
Like there are no formal Governments anymore, only settlements. There are no forms of formal military. However, there are groups of militia for hire and forces developed by larger settlements. 


6.Is Intercontinental travel possible?
Yes, through intercontinental trade routes and cargo ships. The smuggling of goods and individuals does also occasionally occur.


7.Can Earthlings leave the planet? 

No, humans don’t have the resources to leave the planet and likely would be stopped short by advanced L-004 technologies due to the lack of an embedded chip. Mars also has extremely hefty security and screening when it comes to returning units, therefore it would be impossible not to be found out.

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