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 Earth never died. 


Parallax is a dystopian sci-fi rp that takes place on a distant future Earth, during the age of technological decay, after Earth (now known as R-001) had been largely abandoned upon being classed as uninhabitable. 


With the terraforming of planets like Mars, Earth was abandoned as populations began to plummet in the last cataclysmic event. Earth, a ghost of what it once was, became littered with decrepit cities and overgrown with invasive vegetation with few left to maintain them. During this period, food scarcity and disease were rife, further causing the population to flee or die out. On L class planets, it became widespread information that Earth was no longer habitable for humans- water had turned to acid, nothing could grow, it rarely rained and the sun was unbearable. Humans had died out.


This was a fraction of the truth. 


Much of Earth had become a wasteland, but uninhabitable it was not. The population may have dwindled, but humans are resilient. And ruling authorities on Liveable class planets were well aware of this. 


With Earth classified as a Resource type planet, it was in favour of Liveable class colonies to deceive the masses into believing Earth was only sustainable through the efforts of their governments. There were no humans left on Earth, so they said. 


This allowed them to shape Earth as they pleased, creating carefully cultivated biomes for agricultural purposes. These biomes are heavily monitored to ensure survival of life, such life unsustainable outside of the biomes. The biomes are a heavily guarded resource, a necessity in sustaining life on other planets. 


Heavily guarded from survivors.

Life outside the biomes is possible, and is thriving under all conditions. Humans band together, forming encampments and colonies, looking out for each other in these hostile lands. Some have returned to the abandoned cities, living amongst shattered glass and rubble while some have built their own civilisations tucked away from danger.


On R-001, most things want you dead. Whether that be other humans, or Robots crafted to guard biomes that wander the planes. 

 Survival is difficult, scavenging and theft is common. There is little in the way of food and safe drinking water is nearly unheard of. Humans that don’t work together are usually fighting each other for resources, hostility is an expected occurrence. 


But there is hope, in a group named Salus.







[‘It happened again. They seem to be finding us faster and faster these days. But this time it seems… different. I can’t explain it, but it’s giving me a bad feeling. I’m gonna keep trying to get a line through.’]





Neighbouring settlement Vulcan was the most recent to be hit in purges organised by the Antares Committee. Survivors scramble for safety, while those at Salus stand-by to aid. Those travelling to the Vulcan are left stranded, with no option but to seek other settlements in hopes they can find protection. Though frightening, the humans of R-001 know this is not the first time this has happened, and will not be the last.


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