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night of the living limbs

 "My God! This truly is the Night of the Living Limbs!"

[Trigger warnings: Body Horror, Graphic Injury, Medical Horror, Partial Loss of Autonomy]


Neutralize an aggressive computer virus created by the hacker gang H0MEBR3W 



H0MEBR3W, a group of digital raiders founded by one Orpheus Somayaji, attacked Salus both in an attempt to steal their tech and as a sort of revenge against Orph for leaving. They developed a narsty computer virus that wreaks havoc on cybernetics. 


Transmissible via short distances, the virus quite literally jumps from person to person, with the capability to travel through any "smart" device- more advanced cybernetics, phones, tablets, other tech was all on the table. The virus targets cybernetic limbs; victims of the virus had little to no control over the movements or functions of their prosthetics. The infected limbs could then be targeted and directly controlled in order to further Homebrew's goals. The end goal of the virus was to get to the main servers in the Intel Tower, a goal that was thankfully thwarted by Salusians. 


Jean-René D'mari III was the patient zero, of sorts- after complaining about faulty prosthetics for several weeks, he was admitted to the infirmary for a third time in order to treat his malfunctioning cybernetics. It was during this visit that D'mari's cybernetic nervous system "awakened" while he was unconscious and began puppeteering his body. Other patients and doctors then began showing signs of the same infection. It is presumed that the self-replicating nanobots that make up the "virus" had been dormant until they could build up enough numbers to attack, likely using components of victim's affected cybernetics to do aforementioned self-replicating. 


A small group of Salusians were able to escape the medbay amidst the chaos, locking the victims inside until they were better prepared to defend against the attack. They made their way to the workshop, where they were confronted with other victims of the virus, but managed to gather some tools and return to the medbay. 


Meanwhile, on Salus' perimeter, a group of unknown intruders lurked. A small group of scouts and others were sent out to meet the Intruders, and we're instantly attacked. The first combatant has been identified as Wai Ward, a scrappy brawler with a massively enhanced robotic arm. The arm proved to be resistant to brute force attacks, but it was soon discovered that electrocution could destabilize the electromagnetic joints of the arm's components. Morris and Midas teamed up to electrocute Wai, effectively neutralizing them. 


The next attackers were the Vasiliev twins, Roscoe and Rouslan, each outfitted with several mechanical tendrils a la Dr. Octopus. The dual assault was rough, but the team was able to hold their own and do massive damage to the twins' cybernetics. This was thanks in part to a small Intel team inside Salus, led by Reiner Solomon, who were working to neutralize the virus and had stumbled into some h0mebr3w secrets among the way. 


Sustaining massive damage, the twins were prompted to retreat, taking Wai along with them. They reboarded their battle bus, which was heavily modified to look like a hammerhead shark. At this point the bus began to do lapse around the Salus team, all while the twins shot at the group from miniguns. Working together, the team was able to force the vehicle to stop as well as force their way on board, neutralizing several H0MEBR3W agents in the process. By removing the attending H0MEBR3W agents from their posts, the hackers were no longer able to directly control people's limbs within Salus, giving those in the medbay a chance to regroup and tend to the wounded. 


Several H0MEBR3W members were arrested and currently reside in Salus Jail, including Roscoe and Rouslan Vasiliev, the de-facto leaders after Orph's resignation. However, some did manage to slip away in the aftermath, including Wai Ward and Yuri Chernenko.



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