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Event 3

radio station .png

event 2: The ignition and the flame [complete]

[Trigger warnings: Mentions of Violence, BloodDeath, CONFLICT,  fire, mass destruction]


To investigate the raiding group crosshare that was spotted scoping out Salus and figure out how to defeat them.


For several weeks strange reports were filed by residents of Salus speaking of odd sightings and occurrences on the outskirts. This included the discovery of abandoned items, campsites, fires, tire tracks and eventually sightings of people scoping out the Settlement. An investigation is led by intelligence that reveals the current outpost of the raider group Crosshare. Salus plans an infiltration mission to attack before they can be attacked first.


SUMMARY: The Ignition
Splitting into three groups, Salus sets its sights on the abandoned radio station. Working with the homebase intel team, one ground team infiltrates the building while the other distracts the raider group in vehicles. On the move combat ensues while the inside team faces traps, including a set up in the basement that almost leads to many deaths. They are able to escape and enter the top floor, allowing intel to attach their drone to the computers and retrieve information.

While this is occurring, the commotion outside draws in a new threat. Named the Skypiercer, a large pterodon style robot descends onto both Salus’ team and the Raiding group, launching both sides into chaos as the fight becomes much more dire. Realising they are outmatched, the group makes the decision to retreat as the radio tower comes under attack. Though unable to make a clean getaway, Intel works to remotely hack the beast, executing its return protocol and allowing Salus to return to safety. The radio tower falls into ruin, taking with it many Crosshare members and only further increasing the raiding group’s desires to attack.


SUMMARY: The Flame

Salus begins its preparations for the return attack, and prepares itself for the possibility of the Skypiercers return. First they infiltrate a smaller Crosshare outpost, successfully being able to retrieve a map and some plans of the upcoming attack.

Medics practise a simulated evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Next, ISON leads a mission to collect resources, with plans to build a new weapon to use against the Skypiercer. It goes smoothly, all vehicles intercepted and materials collected, though an unforeseen conflict occurs between a surviving vehicle driver and leads to injury.

The mechanics are able to successfully build the laser, however there was not enough time to test its functionality before Salus came under attack.

An explosion rocks the Intelligence tower out of nowhere, the explosive hitting at the height of the sun when the windows are blinded by the light. Salus is thrown into chaos by the surprise attack, immediately calling all units to action. Scouts take to the surface, engaging in head on combat with the attacking group while Intelligence works with Sniping units to take out raiders from afar. Below ground, a smaller group has managed to infiltrate and comes face to face with the workshop and its mechanics, who are able to defeat them after a difficult battle. The medics in the infirmary work on evacuating its patients to the main hall and calming hysteria, leading to the decision being made to collapse part of the ceiling to stop oncoming raiders. Other medics go up to the field to aid the scouts in combat.

Coming face to face with a moral dilemma, an injured Crosshare member is brought to the medbay where an argument ensues about whether they should save the individual or not. In the end, the team decides they will work to save the Crosshare raider, who unfortunately still passes away under mysterious circumstances.

Once again, the combat above ground draws in a familiar assailant, and the team is left to face the Skypiercer once more. Above ground scouts try their best to hold the creature back, going as far as using their aerial units, leading to the crash of Felix’s plane. The mechanics use their artillery units and begin preparing the laser to take down the Skypiercer. Though as the laser is loading, it misfires and overheats, shutting down. This leads to the mechanics attempting to repair the weapon under a strict time constraint as the Skypiercer continues its onslaught. Just in the nick of time the weapon is repaired and fired, destroying the skypiercer. Salus is left massively damaged, but survives the attack. 



The Ignition: 

  • This is Salus’ first encounter with the guard class skypiercer. 

  • Salus is able to obtain a lot of useful information about the raiding group crosshare.

The Flame:

  • There’s been a collapse in the tunnels and one of the paths is now cut off, excavation required.

  • The intelligence tower exterior was severely damaged.

  • Some damage sustained to the scout hall.

  • Protected Salus against the Skypiercer upon the second encounter with it.

  • Skypiercer remains at the bottom of the ravine, pending collection and investigation.

  • Salus gains a new functional weapon, the laser.

  • Despite the damage, Salus is left with the positive of knowing they are strong enough to take down significant enemies like the skypiercer.

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