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Event 2

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“Nah boss, he’s really not here- the equipment ‘n stuff is but he’s not. I got a bad feeling.”

event 2 : Once upon a tempest night [complete]

[Trigger warnings: Mentions of Violence, BloodDeath AND CONFLICT]


Investigate the missing mechanic, Destroy the Mechanical intruder.Gain intel on it’s strange design.




With the sudden disappearance of a mechanic in the tunnels below Salus, a search party is deployed to try and find them before it’s too late. Unfortunately, their search leads them to discover that not only is the mechanic violently deceased, but a new threat has surfaced in Salus. The med bay seems alight with activity as medics of all sorts rush to try and stabilize the witness from Vulcan amongst other injured from the event. The sudden appearance of a brand new Snake-like Guardian of Phanes, however, not only halted progress but destroyed the MedBay along with it. Emergency calls over Comms alerted the search party, and thus began a life or death battle to rid Salus of it’s newfound threat as the rest of the settlement was evacuated as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, Intel worked hard to decode the black box that was detained from the ruins of Vulcan, only for it to prove a great challenge.
After an intense battle that not only rendered several members close to death or worse but also included a massive oxygen tank explosion, the G-Ophidian-431 was defeated and thus the threat to Salus was temporarily eliminated. This brought on a whole new devastation upon the settlement, however. Supplies were now extremely short, and thus hefty restrictions were placed upon the surviving society. This began a time of great tension among Salus and it’s members. The black box also ended up corrupting, rendering half of the information useless.


Mechanic deceased, Serpent guard destroyed successfully, Mass Injuries, John Doe deceased, MedBay Destroyed, Supplies low, Black Box Destroyed, Tempest Rains Ceased.

Despite their successes in stopping the Guard, Salus could not rest yet. Tending to the injured, removal of those fallen, cleanup and investigation would all be underway for weeks to come. The infirmary in particular had seen the worst, its residents having been housed in a temporary setup while personnel worked on securing and repairing the room, trying to restore it to a usable state. The destruction was extensive for one guard, but one guard was all it took when such a vulnerable area had been attacked.

The storm and the snake had caused significant losses for those residing at Salus, including the death of the witness, taking with him one of their only chances at discovering what had truly happened at the Vulcan. Damage to Intel would take some time to fix. This included the black box, of which was currently out of commission, any recovered data being processed. 
The storm has since passed, but its impact still shook Salus, T-004 seeing the worst of the damage with the flooding. Though finally accessible again, some sectors still had several inches of water, making travel less than ideal.


The snake would be relocated to the mechanics workshop while investigations were underway, plans being crafted to seek where it had gained access from. Noted in the early studies, mechanics found that the creature has been within their systems for possibly weeks, going unnoticed until it first attacked in the outcrop. Perhaps a more daunting piece of information, this Guard was the first of its kind, model version 1.  Mars was continuing to innovate more and more deadly machines. 



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