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Event 3


event 3: INTO THE MAW [complete]

[Trigger warnings: Mentions of Violence, BloodDeath, CONFLICT,  HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION]


Raid the Martian Biome of Modron for valuable supplies. 


A stake-out on the recently discovered Modron biome was held to assess for resource viability and ease of access, with two different teams observing the Biome. Team Gallus would move to the west and observe from afar, with Team Polaris moving from the east to get up close and scope out the area. Both sought out entry points, patrol routes, and cameras to plan their raid accordingly. However, the mission was abandoned when an unexpected encounter with two Martian personnel occurred. The altercation quickly became violent, resulting in alarms being raised across the biome and forcing both teams to fall back, but not without one of the Martian personnel being killed in action and the other being taken by Salus, who ultimately decided to keep him alive.


Tension was heavy in the air as desperation led Salus to challenge it’s fate. With the stake-out resulting in a damaging failure overall, the community was forced to go in fairly blind. Thankfully, with the help of the newly acquired Modron personnel, the group was able to formulate a better plan. Two groups were thereafter formed. Team Gallus was headed by Scout Lead Graeme and were given the objective to distract and discover. Team Polaris, headed by Salus Lead Benji, had to confiscate a vehicle and successfully make their way into the Biome to gather supplies and whatnot as stealthily as possible. 


Both teams were successful in their primary objectives. Gallus began their advance by taking out cameras and entering the living quarters of the base. They successfully infiltrated the locker room and obtained various items including uniforms which aided in their continual movement through the biome. After knocking out the driver, Polaris managed to make their way by vehicle into the Modron loading warehouse, now nearly vacant of guards thanks to Gallus’ distraction by walkie talkie. Once vehicles were loaded with supplies from the warehouse, Polaris continued on into the labs .Maneuvering around a darkened laboratory full of patrolling canid units, Polaris eventually discovered the facility was involved with clone study and technology, essentially producing and disposing of artificially created workers as needed. All the meanwhile, Gallus had further pressed on into the gardens of Modron, and had infiltrated a botanical study laboratory in the center of it all. After encountering several dangers such as canids and mechanical bees, the group successfully caused disruption by breaking pipes. They also managed to escape with newly acquired research data. 


The groups eventually made their escape, reconvening in the maintenance shaft only to encounter a brand new variant of Sabre called The Sentinel. After a high risk electrified battle and a newly activated alarm system blaring throughout the Biome, the group was forced to press on despite the guard hot on their tail. Narrowly escaping into the vehicles, the newfound heroes of Salus returned to their settlement with bounties of supplies, thus the mission Into the Maw was an official success despite injuries. Thus began a time of temporary stability within Salus as a whole. 


The raid on Modron was ultimately successful and ended in Salus retrieving a wealth of much needed supplies. 

With the charge of an engine and the grind of wheel against hardened sand, the heroes of Salus make their great escape out of the Gardens of Modron and onto the dust-covered path that led back home. With pockets and packages chock full of life-saving supplies such as medications, plants, and technological knowledge, the mission was declared an overall success!

The trip was thankfully rather short, and the arrival was met with a positive reception. The injured were attended to swiftly and the supplies taken in for proper care, a raise in spirits visible on the faces of many whom had been ration starved for far too long. Despite the joy, there was still a hefty cloud of concern that shadowed the settlement. With the revelation of a possible traitor amongst their ranks, tension was inevitable amongst the citizens of Salus. For now though, the road to recovery and rebuilding begins. 

The future of Salus was looking bright all thanks to the brave souls that ventured Into the Maw.


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