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A nomad's requiem


"Welcome to the serpent’s den, my esteemed guests."

TWS: Themes of abuse and violence 

Dmed by: kaz



 Investigate the source of the discontinued medicine that found its way into trader circles within Salus.



When a batch of old Adeyemi bottles shows up at Salus. Sameer Adeyemi had to assemble a team to inspect its origins. After all, he hadn’t seen this kind in 20 years. Thorough interrogations with the traders brought the team to a bunker entrance seemingly in the middle of nowhere. 


While investigating the bunker, the group is attacked by a team of raiders wearing animal masks as well as machines that attempt to imitate Mars’ very own guard of phanes. The group also learns that this raider team is the very same one that attacked Sameer’s settlement back then and the bottles, given Adeyemi’s medical reputation around the desert at the time, were used to lure in unsuspecting traders and merchants to be mugged or even killed. The group proceed to the final room, where the leader, Vesna, greets her guests before sending in her proudest creation to annihilate them, her very own three headed serpent guardian.


As the group fights the machine, one of the raiders from earlier named Max joins Vesna as they spectate the struggle. With their voices broadcasting into the room, the group learns that he is her nephew and the raiders were once kids that she raised into this lifestyle, forcing them to kill and shed blood at a young age. As her lies unravel in front of Max, their relationship as a family comes into question and he grows increasingly agitated, finally putting a foot down and raising a gun towards her. Vesna is shot and incapacitated and the group is finally allowed to leave. The event ends with Max receiving an invite to Salus as backup arrives.


 With Vesna successfully thwarted. The desert is a tiny bit safer place for small groups and traders alike. Max and the rest of the raiders, now free from Vesna’s control, have returned to Salus with the others where they underwent a process of rehabilitation and are now proud citizens of Salus.


Along with them, the team have retrieved a few crates of stolen supplies which have been put into good use. Unfortunately the rightful owners could not be tracked, that is, except for one. Sameer is reunited with his late father’s possessions.

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