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salus grand prix


“Now, ever wanted to be absolutely reckless out in the desert?”

TWS: none

Dmed by: Morgue



The Salus Grand Prix was an unintentional ice-breaking event that looked to promote camaraderie through sheer, utter chaos. An event brought about to inspire creativity through free-form cart building and show off your killer driving skills.



The Salus Grand Prix, hosted by Gabriel T. Bristow, saw 10 teams of 2 careening down a dusty desert circuit, handling obstacles that came rattling their way, be it in the form of spare wrenches, nailguns, the manuscript of a certain Carl McGilligan, and baseball bats. Hey, we really gotta check inventory next time, huh? 


Superstar Ultra Galaxy Meteor Activate (SUGMA) with Crow and Nova held the lead for most of the event, with BAG($) N BABES’ Nethy and Molly hot on their tail! They/Them May/hem pulled off some killer stunts on the road, with Weed Tesseract finding themselves to be one hell of a bickering pair in all their shounen anime glory. Divine Destruction’s floored it, with Schrodinger’s Racers facing a bit of a moral conflict on ‘killing and maiming.’ Flanked by comedic acts from beloved One in a Minion and Roaring Dino-mite, the Salus Grand Prix came to be a real hodgepodge of interactions. 


In the end, Greased Lightning came in first place, a surprising feat from the underdogs on their custom SolGlider. Reactions were aplenty, with a hooting and hollering audience, marking a successful first run. Thank goodness, Gabriel’s not ready to figure out medical logistics, alright? 


For more information, check the starting Salus Grand Prix document! 

And as for ending, check out our killer statistics!


The Salus Grand Prix? Hell yeah, it brought about some champagne showers, a pyrotechnics display that could kill, (Thanks, Ruddy!) and some good fun at the end of the day. With it came the Saguaro Basin, an unlocked dustbowl a short walk’s away from Salus, flanked by low-lying mesas and sand dunes. The circuit’s looking better than ever!


The Salus Grand Prix spawned some ridiculous memes.

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